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Saturday, 5 August 2017

VOTE - Men's Top 5

#BetweenTheSheets: Who Are YOUR Top 5?
Vote which men's teams YOU think finish on top for the 2017/18 season

It's August!  The curling arena's are starting to lay ice for the upcoming season.  The rocks are being shined.  The brooms are being stacked.  And, hopefully, all of you have cleaned out those curling bags and washed those shirts and socks.  Nobody wants the smell of last season's Lulu pants or Saxx boxers stinking up the lockerroom to kick off a new season!  Heck, technically the season already started this past weekend in Japan.  Competitive curling in August seems a bit crazy?!

As with many sports, the start of the season is usually a bombardment of polls and previews.  But, alas, curling doesn't really present the same kind of build-up to a season like we see in college football or the NFL.  Until NOW!!

The time has finally arrived rock heads and stoners...I introduce you to the 1st Annual #TwineTime Preseason Poll!  Here is YOUR chance to have YOUR say on which teams you expect to dominate the house around the globe this season.  Can the #SwedishVikings continue to stay atop the rankings this year?  Will we see a #TeamCanada contender regain the top of the mountain?  Or will a #TeamUpset surprise come out of the field and defeat them all?  In this Olympic year, anything is possible.

I turn the tables over to you.  We often see members of the media lean more favourably towards one or two teams during the season.  Heck, yes even I am guilty of this.  But what about you, the fans?  The one's who truly keep the sport alive and thriving.  What do you think?  Who do you think will be the Top 5 teams on the men's Order of Merit this year?  I want to hear from YOU!

Maybe you think Kyle Smith will continue his breakout season.  Or perhaps you believe Pat Simmons is just what the doctor ordered for a young up and coming team in Manitoba and they will shock the world.  Or maybe you go with the consistent #KingNiklas.  Either way, regardless of your criteria and how you judge the teams, this is YOUR shot to project the Top 5.  I turn the #TwineTime blog over to all of you dear readers....have YOUR say now!

And to add some intrigue and excitement to the fan vote....and hopefully help entice you all to actually participate....the Top 5 teams receiving the most votes will start the season as the Top 5 on the #TwineTime #PowerRankings!  Sound good?  Now #vote today and vote often.  Let your favourite teams feel the love of the fans.

Oh one last point, don't think the #TwineTime blog has forgotten about the women.  We never forget the ladies of curling.  #StayTuned for a Top 5 vote coming very soon!!

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