#BetweenTheSheets: If You Can Play, You Can Play
Is it time for curling to find its social conscious?
Normally this blog is reserved to discuss the action on the curling ice. What are the big topics affecting the game? We had #BroomGate. We had #FreeAgentFrenzy. We continue to have my favourite topic of #RankingsRedux. But sometimes we need to shift focus to not just the issues or topics on the game itself but rather the big picture impact the sport can have on those who play and love the sport: The People!
With #YYCPride underway this week, including the upcoming Pride Parade over the long weekend, I thought this would be the perfect time to make the connection between sport and social consciousness. Now for some reading this blog post this may be considered a controversial topic of discussion based on your own personal moral and/or ethical beliefs. I am not here to discuss those or force an opinion down your curling loving throat. Rather I ask you just read on with an open mind and hear me out.
Remember, big picture, we are all fans of this sport and are united through our curling passion. Plus, the #TourLifePredictions for this upcoming weekend are included in this blog post so, worse case scenario, you could skip down and read those at least right? But I really think you should read the entire post.
We good rock heads and stoners?