#BetweenTheSheets: FINAL 2024 Power Rankings
Who ends the year atop the mountain?
"Fall seven times, stand up eight."
- Japanese Proverb
A perfect mindset to have heading into a new year.
And one that can resonate with athletes from any sport.
Sport is never perfect. Not every game of every season is going to go your way.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. But it is how you respond to the tough times that truly can define your real success.
Curlers are no different.
Sometimes they fall, literally and figuratively, in the sport.
For some curling teams (and nations), perhaps the start of the 2024/25 season has not been as ideal as one would have hoped heading into the season.
With the calendar switching over to 2025, considered this your reset moment.
Reset the mind. Reset the body. Reset the results.
For each fall, you stand up.
But this is also a reminder for those teams (and nation) who have found great success this season.
A fall may still be coming. Nothing is perfect. And when, not if, you fall, remember to get right back up.
For us non-athlete people, this proverb holds true as well.
Perhaps you had a great year. Perhaps it was a horrible year. And perhaps it was mediocre.
We can all agree is was not perfect. We all probably fell a few times, maybe more than seven times.
But we are still standing. And lets continue to stand going into 2025.